On this page you will find information about herbaceous perennials and alpines
Herbaceous Perennials
Perennials are ornamental plants that live for more than two years: the majority die back in Winter and re-grow in Spring, depending on the genus/species - our most common FAQ is 'will it come back?' Most of the perennials we sell are hardy i.e. they can stay out in the garden all year and are resistant to frost. In mild Winters, some keep their leaves e.g. Acanthus spinosus and Phlomis russeliana.
We sell more herbaceous perennials than any other kind of plant; their popularity is due to the fact that the majority give a good display year after year, with various leaf shapes/sizes, flower colours, and heights. There's an herbaceous perennial for every spot in the garden, whether it be dry or wet, shady or sunny, heavy clay, chalk or sand. If shrubs are the backbone of the garden, perennials are the flesh – they fill it out and give it substance.
When planning your garden, you should aim to have a succession of flowers from Spring to Autumn - it's a good idea to you visit your local garden centre every month, rather than a couple of times a year, to see what's in flower and bud.
Alpine plants originate from high altitude regions where drainage is sharp and Winters are dry and cold. All these factors should be a starting point if you decide to build a rockery, or even if you'd just like a few alpines in pots or your border. Unless your garden has very good drainage, you will need to lighten it with sharp sand or horticultural grit – if it gets waterlogged, you'd be wise to stick to pots, where alpines often look better anyway.
We have an ever changing selection of alpines in stock for much of the year, but the best selection can be found in Spring. They are great plants for those with teeny yards, as long as you can give them a fair bit of sun. And remember the three magic words...drainage, drainage, drainage.